Nana Sharon

I love to share one of my most precious memories of my Mom. At this time of year, many years ago when I was a child of about 8 yrs old, I attended Wednesday night Lenten Service at our church. My mother had a beautiful and professionally trained voice and sang in and directed many church choirs over the years. Our small, new church, showed the (probably one of the original) movie on projector of "King of Kings"  that evening. The church lights were still out, as the film ended and a small light  on the organ in front of the alter illuminated my beautiful Mother, as she stood in the soft glow and sang, "The Old Rugged Cross". I will always treasure that evening and the image of my dear Mom, who taught me to be a Christian. That is the greatest gift I have ever received.  Many people were touched by that movie and my
beautiful Mother's heavenly voice, which remain in my heart.  That is my best memory of Easter and I love this Holiday too. I was so blessed to have been loved and raised by loving and caring parents. My childhood was so happy and I am truly grateful for those wonderful memories.


Cheese Pie
MomMom Allene
 Pie crust:
 4oz.butter            6 Tbsp. sugar
 2 eggs                   2 c. flour
 1 tsp. baking powder
      Make crust first by creaming butter and sugar.  Add rest of
ingredients.  Press dough into 13 x 9 pan to form a thin crust.  Do not bake.
set aside.  
  1 lb. cream cheese             14 Tbsp. sugar = ( 1c. - 2 Tbsp.
  2 Tbsp. flour                       4 eggs
  2 tsp. vanilla                        4 c. milk (whole)
  juice of one lemon
 cinnamon sugar
     Cream the cream cheese and sugar.  Add eggs, flour and lemon juice,
vanilla, and then the milk.   Pour into  the pan of pie crust.  Sprinkle with
cinnamon sugar.  Bake
 at 350 for 40 min. or until set.  (not runny in the middle)
 May take up to 15 or 20 minutes more in some ovens.
 Let cool, then put in fridge. Enjoy...
 I usually have some pie crust dough left, so I take little pieces and roll
it and into crescent and dip in cinnamon sugar and bake.  Kids love them..

More. . .


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