WebMaster Notes:

Since Granny BoJo's friends were so generous and supplied her with some of their favorite links, stories, recipes, and graphics (even some they made), this WebMaster Notes page appears as acknowledgment  to their kindness and to remind them that errors and omissions occur.  Any errors or omissions  in the material Granny BoJo's friends supplied may be due to Granny BoJo's editing (cropping for space, etc.) and should not be attributed to any other source or cause.  Granny BoJo, like any web site owner, was forced to choose among myriad writings and graphics so that her topical web site would remain manageable.  Any omissions are likely due only to space and cohesive constraints.  No other motivation is to be assumed. To see Granny BoJo's gratitude to her friends, click on Grannies and Thank You's.

 What follows is a general disclaimer and instructions.

All text content appears as it was received--no editorial changes in the text have been made by the webmaster.  Any images/graphics supplied have not been altered, save for file format changes from bmp and gif to the more desirable jpg format.

Links supplied appear in the forms received.

Graphics supplied by Paprika Designs are accompanied by a PD logo, although one or more images on marked pages may have been supplied--logo appears on pages with graphics original to PD as well as on pages that feature mostly images original to PD.  No logo appears on pages where all graphics were supplied.

Site is best viewed on screen setting 1024 x 768.

To report problems with this web site, contact Karen at Paprika Designs

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